Friday, 22 June 2007

All over

After our birthday party last month we've headed off all over the place. With Dan holding the fort back in Sydney, Greg headed of to light the Asian touring production of Andrew Llloyd Webber's Cats in Daegu, about 1000km south of Seoul in South Korea. I ventured back to Birmingham in the UK for the BBC Summer Festival to light the show's Supertheatre with Blacksheep Productions. After a week of gardening, food and style shows in the miserable, rainy, cold UK, I've just flown to take over from Greg in Daegu - not before enjoying a rare day off at Alton Towers - a massive theme park in the UK! We have a week to go in Daegu before the production moves to Seoul. It's going to be a fun month of shows, sightseeing and not knowing exactly what we're eating... Greg is madly working to finalise lighting designs and production drawings for the massive Hillsong Conference which he heads home to light this weekend. We're all incredibly busy, but loving every minute of it. On top of all this, Dan is working on several projects - a couple of which have to stay in the 'secret' category for the moment, but that we know we are going to have a ball with later in the year. That's all for now - we'll get some Korean photos up soon! Cheers Richard

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