Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Off again

  Sitting here very jetlagged in the Hilton at Birmingham in the UK. We've just finished day two of bumping the Good Food Show in and have one day of rehearsals to go before the doors open on Wednesday morning. After 26 shows with Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver and friends we'll be on our way back to Australia on Sunday night... a very quick trip this time!

Saturday, 1 November 2008

Around the clock

  I'm back in Sydney after a couple of weeks holiday which concluded with three days at LDI - North America's massive lighting exhibition in Las Vegas. (It was all work, I swear!) Myself and Dan got a chance to check out some very cool new toys - some of which we're already in the process of bringing to Australia for some projects next year. A big thank you to all the Aussie contingent who we wined, dined, danced and wined some more with, as well as our US friends at ESP Vision, Vari*Lite and Martin who we all had a great time catching up with.
  Barely a week later I'm back in Sydney, lighting a series of events at the Sydney Convention Centre - tonight we've transformed an entire exhibition hall with one of our clients into an enormous party under the Australian sun - quite literally - with a huge internally glowing sun hung over the heads of our 1400 guests.
  In the coming weeks we're looking forward to the pre-Christmas rush with events all over Australia (I even get to go to Darwin), the UK and some more work in South Korea. It's going to be a busy time but we're all working on some really rewarding projects which is always a good thing.
  Stop by the website in the next week - we'll be filling it up with a heap of new event photos from our recent jobs. Oh and good luck to everyone in this busy time of year...